The Author offers second edition of this Spiritual book as a gift to all those who have gone through the first edition thoroughly. To get this Spiritual book free, personal communication is required.
‘Mystery’ is beyond ‘Miracles’
It is one step ahead of what you can know.
You explore the un-known,
it becomes a miracle.
‘Existence’ is still beyond this,
Much more to know,
So it is mysterious.
The Existence can not see
its creation sick.
It finds its own ways to heal
from amongst its own creations.Thus comes the ‘healer’ And the deserving gets healed.
Mind is the cause of Man; otherwise we could have been animals. It is the link between you and your body. Most of the times it is nothing but a dump house of past memories. It is an active intellect, if used intelligently; it is an expression of wisdom, if used wisely; or it can be a chaos of emotions expressed illogically.
Mind works on the body through emotions. It masters over you. It makes your body work the way it wants.
But; Oh!! These “wants”! “Wanting” is unlimited and the Body has its limits.
Existence does not allow the Nature to go beyond its limits. If we behave as unaware dominated with illogical mind, then the conflict between Mind and Nature starts leading to stress.
Health is the state after being healed.
Healing is the need of one who is hurt.
Hurt means deviation from Wholesomeness.
Before hurts and healing you were ‘Whole’.
Healing is the attempt to re-attain Holiness.
Psycho-somatic explanation of an ailment is justified only when one has attained the mental maturity to interact and interfere with the laws of nature. But, what about those who seem to be innocent sufferers by birth?
Many seedlings, those have not yet seen the world, neither understand the meaning of life, but still have been trapped into incurable diseases. Even the adults are suffering from chronic ailments, where all treatments fail. Even the science has no answer to many commonly spelled symptoms.
Yes, here comes the role of past life Karma – ‘the cause and effect’.
And so, a chapter in this dimension has been added to this book of ‘Wholesome Health and Holistic Healing’.
Entire life is a business. Success of a business is evaluated in terms of its outcome with respect to the cost you put in. To evaluate the success in life, calculate the input of the cost in terms of health, relationship, social repute & self esteem v/s outcome in terms of peace, happiness, knowledge & experience.
Glimpses are the flashes of knowledge. They are the clues and answers to your questions in life. Almost everybody receives the glimpses of higher knowledge, but how much one is aware and observant, that makes the difference. Once you observe and receive, then it matters how you interpret them. Many a times they are the answers to your questions from life. But most of the people miss either due to lack of knowledge or due to the ego that - they know everything. Righteousness of the interpretation is strengthened by the right knowledge only. Therefore three things are very important: being alert and observant, readiness to catch such signals and the right knowledge for right interpretation.
This presentation is ever-growing because, it invites the sharing of experiences from many people.
You are welcome to share with us your experience of miraculous effects of holistic healing to motivate those who are suffering out of ignorance or innocence.
I start this chapter with the story of my own healing, and then, the first in the series is the sharing of Mrs. Usha Khandekar from Indore. It is about ‘Music Therapy. And then effects of Pranayama from my husband.